Jeffrey Ory on Creativity

10/14/2012 15:18

Creativity to me is sending a guy 20 miles in he air in a capsule so he can parachute down breaking three world records while doing so. Watching this is why I was a bit late getting to Jeffrey Ory's presentation. On the subject of creativty Jeff expressed the importance of risk, relevance, impact, and creativity.When you have a truly creative idea than its never been done before. This presents the element of risk because they is know way of knowing or projecting how successful the idea will be. Having relevance within in a idea is important because people need to be able to relate to the cause. People need to understand and appreciate the cause of your creativty, otherwise the attempt will be in vain. In order for a good idea to be successful it must have an impact on society on one way or another. Obviously some ideas have bigger impacts than others, but if you have no impact at all what is the point? A good idea is one that has never been done before. Originality maybe be the most important factor when thinking up new ideas. People love new things. Orginality is what will make an idea standout and is what will grab peoples attention. Origanlity comes from thinking outside the box and can even mean shifting the direction of a company in order to gain more success. New ideas do not always have to be complex, infact sometimes simplicity is the best way to go about things. People like simple things because most people don't like to think. Jeff did a fine job speaking and had the attention of the audience for his entire presentation. I did not like the fact that he made everyone get up and dance to lady gaga. This was his example of the idea of letting things go and becoming loose and relaxed. Ideas can flow better when in a relxaed and comfortable state. I stayed seated during the lady gaga dance. I am way to cool to dance to lady gaga, however I understant the point Jeff was trying to make.