The PRSSA saturday sessions.

10/13/2012 19:14

PRSSA saturday sessions

 I think the party on friday night could have been better. To be quite honest I felt like I was at a highschool dance. I had to basically scream to talk to people and it was hard for me to hear people while talking to him because of the loud rap music playing. I would have done things a little different. First of all I would have had a bar available for the students that are over 21. Alcohol can allow the shyer folks to come out of their shell and just makes networking much more enjoyable. Second, instead of a dance I would have just had lite music in the backround and I would have kept the lights on. While I did meet a few people, I think it could have been a better mixer.



    I actually have never heard of google+ until I heard Timothy Jordan speak this morning. I had no idea who Timothy Jordan was either, infact I passed him in the restroom before he went on stage. Google+ to me seemed to be just another format of the facebook/twitter idea but I definately loved the 'hangout' aspect. There is no doubt that social media has dimmed down face to face contact for an abundance of people. The hangout is a great way of getting face to face communication back to normal and it is great because it is integrated perfectly with social media. I think everyone loved the idea that the 'hangout' of google+ is allowing people with disabilities to view the world through other peoples windows and eyes. Timothy sold this idea to the audience very effectively and gave great examples of how the 'hangout' can open your eyes to many great things around the world.


Breaking into Sports

    The first speaker did a great job at this session. He was very straight forward with his thoughts and words and made a quik and percise speech. I was very interesting to hear how his path in college led to his current career of a social media manager. The second speaker did an ok job. He was not as clear with his words and I had a hard time giving him my attention because he was so boring and mono tone. However, he did have some useful advice to offer the audience so his part of the session was not a total waste.


Social Media/elections

    Both presidential campaigns rely on social media for the success of their campaigns. This is a great example of how social media has had a profound effect on society in America as well as around the world. Starting with youtube, social media has allowed the current presidenial candidates, and former canidates to reach out to audiences all over america. I would be willing to bet that social media has brought more people in America to the voting booths. Social media can make or break a candidate and has proven to be a major reason why Obama ran a successful campaign in 2008. Most importantly, Social media has made it much easier for candidates to raise money for their campaigns, making it possible for them to campaign in the first place.